Case Study: GEO Energy Systems
Transforming an Electrical Contracting Firm through Strategic Investments and EV Charging Expansion


Company Background: GEO Energy Systems, formerly known as D&M Manson Brothers Electric Co. Inc., is an electrical contracting and energy consulting firm founded in 1985. The company has a rich history in providing electrical services to various clients, with an average annual revenue of approximately $200,000 before a pivotal change in ownership and strategic direction.

The Acquisition and Transformation: In January 2023, GEO Energy Systems underwent a significant transformation when it was acquired by Michael Moss. With the change in ownership came a rebranding, and the company was renamed GEO Energy Systems. This marked the beginning of a new era for the company, characterized by innovative thinking and ambitious growth plans.

Strategic Investment and Leadership Change: In July 2023, RANSS Corp made a strategic investment in GEO Energy Systems, injecting new capital and expertise into the organization. Alongside this investment, Ricardo Valderrama assumed an executive role within the company. Valderrama brought with him a wealth of experience and a vision for the future. Under his leadership, GEO Energy Systems underwent a remarkable transformation.

EV Charging Expansion: One of the key initiatives implemented by Ricardo Valderrama was the establishment of a dedicated division within GEO Energy Systems focused exclusively on the installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. This move was well-timed, as it coincided with a State of Connecticut incentive program aimed at promoting the adoption of EVs and charging infrastructure. The program provided financial incentives to companies engaged in EV charging station installations.

Explosive Revenue Growth: GEO Energy Systems quickly capitalized on the State of Connecticut incentive program, leading to an astounding tenfold increase in sales revenues within a remarkably short period. With the aggressive expansion into EV charging infrastructure, annual revenues are now projected to exceed $5,000,000, marking a significant leap from the company's previous financial performance.

Market Leadership Achieved: In a relatively brief span, GEO Energy Systems has established itself as a dominant player in the EV charging station installation industry. The company has emerged as the top installer of Loop Charging Stations in the Northeast region. Additionally, GEO Energy Systems has secured contracts with Connecticut's major electric companies, UI and Eversource, further solidifying its position as the leading installer of EV charging stations in the state.

Conclusion: The case of GEO Energy Systems serves as a compelling example of how strategic investments, visionary leadership, and timely market entry can lead to rapid and substantial growth. By embracing the burgeoning EV charging infrastructure market and leveraging government incentives, GEO Energy Systems has not only transformed its own financial fortunes but has also played a pivotal role in advancing the adoption of electric vehicles in the Northeastern United States. The company's remarkable journey from a modest electrical contracting firm to a market leader in the EV charging industry demonstrates the power of strategic planning and execution in the business world.
